Our Dear Partners,
Thanks for your prayers. Today we passed the 2000-mile mark on this trip, and made it safely to Sioux Lookout, Ontario. On Monday Morning, we fly from here to Kingfisher Lake, an Oji-Cree community in northern Ontario, where we will be visiting with Bishop Lydia Mamakwa, to learn about the local language situation and how we might help her to have better access to the Scriptures in the Oji-Cree language.We expect to be there for a week, flying back on Friday afternoon, September 4. From there we will be back on the road heading for the Bible Society offices in Kitchener, ON.
Please pray for wisdom, sensitivity, and understanding about the Oji-Cree language situation, and how God is at work revealing Himself to this First Nations language community.
Blessings, Bill and Norma Jean