
We have been serving the Naskapi community with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1988. The Naskapi dictionary was published in 1994, the Naskapi New Testament was dedicated in 2007, and the book of Genesis was published in 2013. The Naskapi project is focused now on Old Testament translation, scripture engagement, literacy, linguistics and education.

Since gaining access to the Word of God in their own language, the Naskapi are reaching out to other related language groups in encouragement and capacity-building so that all First Nations people can have adequate access to the scriptures in their mother tongue.

We are responding to these needs across Canada’s north by facilitating the First Nations Bible Translation Capacity-Building Initiative, helping local language communities to develop their own translation programs.

We have three children: Benjamin, Elizabeth and Nicodemus.

3 thoughts on “About

    • Hello, Alexandra, Nice to discover that you found our occasional blog. I guess our “summer 2014 newsletter” edition a few posts back would answer your question about the young folks, Ben, Elizabeth and Nick. We are looking forward to this working trip to Kingfisher Lake (*first time) and Kawawachikamach (*back “home”)

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