Northern Translation Brief: 2023 Translator Workshop Staff

Workshop Staff (10)

Bill Jancewicz, (staff) coordinator/instructor, SIL AmArea
Norma Jean Jancewicz, (staff) coordinator/facilitator, SIL AmArea
Meg Billingsley, (staff) SIL consultant, instructor, SIL AmArea
Dan Grove, (staff) WBTC Project Liaison, Wycliffe Canada
Alice Reed, (staff), SIL Global Consultant Pool, instructor
Martin Reed, (guest) staff spouse, Wycliffe Canada
Grace Reed (age 5), (staff child)
Kai Reed (age 3), (staff child)
Jeff Green, (staff) instructor, CBS Director, Scripture Translation, Canadian Bible Society
Ben Wukasch, (staff) instructor, CBS translation consultant, Canadian Bible Society
Ruth Heeg, (staff) consultant, instructor, CBS (retired)
Tom Scott, (staff) instructor, Wycliffe Canada
Bethany Scott, (guest) staff spouse
Anna Scott (age 1), (staff child)
Julia Liu, (staff) Childcare volunteer, West Houston Chinese Church
Paulo Liu, (guest) Childcare volunteer spouse
Tabitha Liu (age 7) , (staff child)
Jayden Liu (age 5), (staff child)
Guests and observers (11)
Colleen Boyd , SIL AmArea North Language Services Coordinator, SIL AmArea
Carletta Lahn , SIL AmArea North Scripture Access Services Team Leader, SIL AmArea
Chris Pierson , SIL AmArea Staff Development – Associate Team Leader, SIL AmArea
Tom Woodward , SIL AmArea North Regional Director, SIL AmArea
Martin Reed, Wycliffe Canada Indigenous Partnerships
Chris Harper, National Indigenous Bishop, Anglican Church of Canada (TUESDAY)
Kevin Schlechter, CBS regional director, Canadian Bible Society (WEDNESDAY)
Gyoojun Lee, Wycliffe Chinese Diaspora Engagement Advisor, Wycliffe Canada
Anna Sklar, Prayer Ministries Communication Coordinator, Wycliffe Canada
Bill Gardner, East Asia Group IT Manager, SIL; retired professor, University of Guelph
Gord & Janice Sisler, donors and friends (WEDNESDAY)
(Some of the staff and some of the guests will only be with us for part of the week, most for just part of a day).

Thank you for remembering these during the workshop. Pray for their families back home, for their travels and health, and for God’s work in their lives.

November 5, 2023 Guelph, Ontario

Northern Translation Brief: 2023 Translator Workshop Participants

Workshop Participants / First Nations translators (17)

Sylvia Tailfeathers, Blackfoot Confederacy Treaty 7 Territory, Kainai
Myrna Stevens, Blackfoot Confederacy Treaty 7 Territory, Siksiká
Raymonda Waterchief, Blackfoot Confederacy Treaty 7 Territory, Siksiká
Angie Ayoungman, Blackfoot Confederacy Treaty 7 Territory, Siksiká
Rosie Jane Tailfeathers, Blackfoot Confederacy Treaty 7 Territory, Kainai
Marlene Big Sorrel Horse, Blackfoot Confederacy Treaty 7 Territory, Kainai
Larry Waterchief, Blackfoot Confederacy Treaty 7 Territory, Siksiká
Vincent Yellow Old Woman, Blackfoot Confederacy Treaty 7 Territory, Siksiká
Venerable Jacqui Durand, Treaty 7 Territory, Metis/Cree
Ruby Sandy-Robinson, Kawawachikamach, Naskapi
Alma Chemaganish, Kawawachikamach, Naskapi
Marianne M. Chescappio , Kawawachikamach, Naskapi
Maggie Mokoush Swappie , Kawawachikamach, Naskapi
Silas Nabinicaboo , Kawawachikamach, Naskapi
Susan Nabinicaboo , Kawawachikamach, Naskapi
Robert Swappie, Kawawachikamach, Naskapi
George Guanish, Kawawachikamach, Naskapi

Thank you for remembering these during the workshop. Pray for their families back home, for their travels and health, and for God’s work in their lives.

November 5, 2023 Guelph, Ontario

Northern Translation Brief: 2022 Translator Workshop Participants

Workshop Participants / First Nations translators

George Guanish, Kawawachikamach Quebec, Naskapi
Ruby Sandy-Robinson, Kawawachikamach Quebec, Naskapi
Alma Chemaganish, Kawawachikamach Quebec, Naskapi
Maggie Mokoush-Swappie, Kawawachikamach Quebec, Naskapi
Robert Swappie Kawawachikamach, Quebec, Naskapi
Rev. Ruth Kitchekesik, Kingfisher Lake Ontario, Oji-Cree
Jessie Atlookan, Kingfisher Lake Ontario, Oji-Cree
Yvonne Winter, Kingfisher Lake Ontario, Oji-Cree
Dominick Beardy, Kingfisher Lake Ontario, Oji-Cree
Bishop Larry Isaiah Beardy, Tataskwayak Manitoba, Swampy Cree
Elizabeth Beardy, Tataskwayak Manitoba, Swampy Cree

Thank you for remembering these in during the workshop. Pray for their families back home, for their travels and health, and for God’s work in their lives.

April 7-12, 2019 Guelph, Ontario

Northern Translation Brief: 2022 Translator Workshop Staff

Workshop Staff

Meg Billingsley (staff) SIL translation consultant/instructor
Jeff Green (staff) CBS Director of scripture translation/instructor
Colin Suggett (staff) SIL Bloom lead tester/instructor
Ben Wukasch (staff) CBS translation officer/instructor
Matthew Windsor (staff) project facilitator, instructor
Caitlin Windsor (staff) project facilitator
Hazel Windsor (6 year old) staff child
Eli Windsor (4 year old) staff child
Joel Windsor (2 year old) staff child
Tom Scott (staff) CanIL connection coordinator
Bethany Scott (staff) childcare facilitator
Josiah Scott (5 year old) staff child
Ruth Scott (3 year old) staff child
Anna Scott (6 month old) staff child
Dan Grove (staff) Project Liaison/instructor
Ruth Heeg (staff) consultant/instructor
Sarah Newman (staff) CBS intern/instructor
Bill Jancewicz (staff) workshop coordinator/instructor
Norma Jean Jancewicz (staff) workshop coordinator/instructor

Observers, Guests

Kevin Schlechter (guest) CBS Regional Director
Roy Eyre (guest) Wycliffe Canada President
Martin Reed (guest) Wycliffe Canada indigenous partnerships
Tom Woodward (guest) SIL AmArea Regional Director
Gyoojun Lee (observer) Wycliffe Canada Chinese Diaspora Engagement Advisor
Daniel Yoon (observer) Wycliffe Canada Adviser for Korean Diaspora Engagement

Thank you for remembering these in prayer now and during the workshop. Pray for their families back home, for their travels and health, and for God’s work in their lives.

November 9-11, 2022 Guelph, Ontario