Trip to SIL-UND

Our Dear Partners,

We are boarding the train tomorrow to begin our summer journey SIL-UND*, where we will be serving/studying for 9 weeks again this summer. We will be driving, and along the way we have a stop in Connecticut (May 16-20) Houghton NY (21) and on the road to Grand Forks (May 22-26).

Bill & Norma Jean Jancewicz
2901 University Avenue Stop 8217
Grand Forks, ND 58202-8217 USA

(701) 777-0575 (SIL reception)
(701) 777-0586 (SIL administration)

e-mail as usual (

We just confirmed with Quebec social services that Jaiden, our 3-year-old Naskapi foster son is coming with us again this year. We are grateful to have him along.

There we will stay until the wedding (Elizabeth and Eric, July 16) and then back to the academics until August, when we will make our way back here, retracing our path.

That’s all for now. Please be patient with us, as I will not be checking e-mail as often, and Norma Jean won’t be updating facebook as regularly. But we would appreciate any prayers for protection, provision and care while we are covering all those miles.

Blessings, Bill and Norma Jean

*SIL still means “Summer Institute of Linguistics”, and UND is the “University of North Dakota”. Norma Jean will be coordinating the childcare services for the summer, and Bill will be part-time MA student and part-time assistant to the administrative director. We will both be full-time parents of a pre-schooler, too.